Banking Regulation Act 1949 :-

BANKING REGULATION ACT 1949 Passed as the Banking companies Act1949 (came into force w.e.f 16.03.49. It was made applicable to J & K in 1956 (and now applicable throughout India). The act is not applicable to Primary Agriculture Societies, Co-operative land mortgage banks and non-agriculture primary Credit Societies.

Banking is defined under Section 5-b means accepting for lending or investment of deposits of money from public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, drafts order or otherwise

Important Sections :-

5-aApproved securities
5-bBaking is defined (Accepting deposit for lending & investment)
5-fDemand Time liabilities
5-nSecured loan or advances
6-1Banking business
6-2Restriction on business
7Use of word banking
8Restrictions on business of trading of goods except realization of securities held by it.
9Banks prohibited in holding Immovable properties more than 7 years except acquired for own use
10Management prohibition period of chairman and director etc. 5 year may extend for further 5 year
11 & 12Paid up capital, reserves and rules foreign banks
13Commission or brokerage
14/14AProhibit a banking company from Creating a charge upon any unpaid capital of company.
15Prohibits of payment of dividend
17-1To   create reserve   fund   20%       net profit transferred before dividend(RBI –directs banks to transfer 25% net            profit before dividend w.e.f, 2011)
18Cash reserve
19Permit bank to form subsidiary company
19-2No banking company shall hold shares in any company any amount exceeding 30% of its own paid up share capital + reserve or 30% of the paid up share capital of that company whichever is less.
20Bank cannot grant loan against security of their own share
21Control over advances by RBI
21ARate of interest charged by banks are not subject to scrutiny by courts
22Licensing of banking companies from RBI
23Branch Licensing
24Statutory liquidity ratio
26Unclaimed Deposits
29Bank to publish Balance Sheet
30-IBalance sheet to be got audited from qualified Auditors
31 35Submit Balance sheet and audit Report within 3 months Inspection of Banks by RBI
35APowers to give directions in public interest
36RBI can terminate Chairman or any employee
45RBI has power to apply to Central Govt. for suspension of business by a banking company and prepare a scheme of reconstitution or amalgamation.
45YPreservation of Records
45 ZA-ZFNomination Facilities on Bank deposits ,safe deposit articles and lockers
  45Z  Return the paid instruments
47ARBI can impose penalty for various kind of violations
52Central Govt can make rules for all matter

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